Bealtaine Bank Holiday Retreat

May 1 - 4, 2020

  • Twin/Double Bedroom with Private Bathroom – €690.00
  • Quad Bedroom with Shared Bathroom – €570.00
Michelle Moroney



This long-weekend retreat is an opportunity to mark and celebrate the gifts and challenges, the myths and rituals of the season of Beltaine. The season of blossoming, fullness, aliveness and fertility; the beginning of summer. The natural world is inviting us to open up and expand into the fullest expression of our highest potential.



Wim Hof

Throughout the weekend we will kindle the bright fire of our full potential through yoga, breath work, meditations, May morning ritual, walks and mindful inquiry. We may even jump into the sea for our first swim of the season! It’s becoming an annual tradition at this retreat. You choose to retreat in whatever way nourishes you – everything offered over the weekend is optional.



Where our yoga practice in deepest Samhain/ winter was inward and reflective the yoga of Bealtaine is an expansive, flowing, open practice. We cultivate a sense of moving outward from a deeply centred compassionate place. We flower from within like the white blossoms of the Hawthorn that are so visible at this time of the year.